Things to consider when planning for Redesigning your company website?

What is Website Redesign?

A website redesign is a phase of restructuring your existing website. It includes giving it a new layout, changing content, customizing navigation, and optimizing it for better sales.

A website is the display of your digital identity.

All your efforts in Digital Marketing pivot to this single existence. If you are planning a redesign the existing website, you need to consider an upgrade of both, front end (the way it appears) and the backend (the database where it processes information).

Before you dive further and decide to redesign your website, you must be aware of what goes into the process of making a fantastic website redesign.

After all, you do not want to do this wrong.

1. Objective of your website: Why do you need this webpage, what do you want to obtain out of this and what more info is stopping you to achieve that.

2. Define good website: It never happens that your website disqualifies in all the aspects of its presence. It has some good parts; you need to determine them and hold them in your future upgrade.

3. Recognize what is wrong: If you are redesigning your webpage to look better or work better, then find where it lacks. Even if it means a misplaced option, it will be helpful in your journey later.

4. Make a plan: Identify the technology you desire to use, steps you project to take so that you have an actionable features list at the end of this exercise.

5. Accuracy on what you want is better before reaching out to a developer and describing him how you want a redesign. You do not need to be a technical whiz to determine the issues or opt what you want out of the website redesign journey you wish to proceed.

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